For more than 30 years now S&W Training has been investing al lot of time and money in order to provide our clients with the best possible Course Materials for their German Language Training.
As a result of these efforts we have a rich treasure of Course Materials especially designed for our program ‘German for International Executives’. This is certainly something which our competitors can’t offer. This applies equally to the diversity, the didactic quality, the relevance, and the topicality of our Course Materials for General German, Business German, Scientific German, and German for Lawyers.
When you visit S&W Training for an Intensive German Language Course you can be sure that you will not get just another standard course ‘off the peg’. Therefore, you can expect a customized German Course with the Course Materials individually composed according to your needs and wants.
Likewise, this applies for our online German Language Training. Here too, we use the same high S&W standard for course materials.
This is, of course, also true for our Special Courses in Business German, Scientific German, and German for Lawyers – face-to-face as well as online.
Although we have been working on our materials for more than 30 years now, more than 75% of our Course Materials were produced or updated in the past 12 months.
Our Course Materials reflect the special profile of S&W Training: The close cooperation of linguists, economists, and communication coaches in our team in the interest of our clients. In this quality you will find ‘German for Executives’ nowhere else.
One of the reasons why S&W Course Materials are so excellent is our Linguistic Research. This provides us with enormous know-how about modern General German, Business German, Scientific German, and German for Lawyers. As a result, the vocabulary we use in our Course Materials is relevant as well as up to date.
We have also developed methods for our Course Materials which are especially designed for our target group. Many of our clients particularly appreciate our decision trees. These decision trees make it easier to understand and memorise grammatical rules. They correspond to the typical learning style of our target group: people in management positions who want to improve their German skills in a time-efficient way – face-to-face or online.