Facts and Episodes

about Germany, the Germans and the German language

Fitness Test: German Prepositions

Fitness Test: German Prepositions

For anyone who wants to learn another language, prepositions can be like little devils. "Which preposition goes with which verb?" Logic alone is often not enough to answer this question. The result: mistakes. So far this applies to many languages. Anyone who wants to...

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The number of the month July 2024: 82.7

The number of the month July 2024: 82.7

82.7 million people live in Germany according to the latest census. This makes Germany by far the most populous country in the European Union. France follows in second place with 68.2 million and Italy in third place with 59 million people. At the other end of the...

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Winner by Points:

Winner by Points:

Face-to-Face! This applies at least to the area in which we can consider ourselves experts: German language training for managers. Just two or three years ago, we saw things very differently ourselves. On the contrary, the pandemic-related restrictions seemed to have...

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Sergio and the advice-resistant Pizzaiolo

Sergio and the advice-resistant Pizzaiolo

Sergio was hungry. Nothing big - maybe a quick pizza. So I went with Sergio to one of the Meersburg pizzerias. Our pizzas were surprisingly good. It's not easy to find a really good pizza in the many Italian restaurants that exist in Germany. But both our pizzas were...

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A historic date: July 20

A historic date: July 20

July 20 is a special date for many Germans. On 20 July 1944, Count Stauffenberg tried to kill Adolf Hitler with a bomb. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus_von_Stauffenberg Unfortunate circumstances prevented this assassination attempt from being successful. Hitler...

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Most Relevant German Verbs

Most Relevant German Verbs

If you want to or are supposed to learn German, you will have to learn German vocabulary, among other things. This may not be much fun, but it is unavoidable if the project is to be successful. Of course, you have the same problem in other languages. If you want to...

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Cross Culture: The ‘Typical German Manager’

Cross Culture: The ‘Typical German Manager’

The abbreviation S&W in our name stands for ‚Sprache & Wirtschaft‘ - 'Language & Business'.  Our special business expertise not only enables us to teach Business German in a particularly qualified manner on request. https://sw-training.com/business-german/...

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Scientific German – The Most Important Nouns

Scientific German – The Most Important Nouns

Technical language differs considerably from General German language. When we talk about Scientific German, it is clear that a chemist has a largely different technical language than an economist. However, there is an overlap – a vocabulary that is more or less...

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