At S&W Training, we offered online modules in addition to our intensive face-to-face German courses long before the Corona crisis. However, these online modules were not designed as an alternative to face-to-face courses, but as a value-adding supplement. This was the explicit wish of our clients.

Clients english

Then came the corona crisis – an extremely unpleasant and tragic event, but also an experiment. Under extreme external pressure, many companies suddenly discovered what they could have tested before: Namely, that home office could be a not only unavoidable but also quite sensible alternative to daily office presence.

For our industry, the pandemic meant that face-to-face courses were ruled out for some time and the demand for online courses boomed.

For us at S&W Training, this was a very difficult but also very educational experience. We had to adjust to the possibility that the time of face-to-face courses might be over for good. And that’s what we did, of course.

Today we know more. Many large companies – especially in the USA – are calling their employees back to the office from the home office with some pressure.

And intensive face-to-face courses are also becoming much more important again in German training. Personally, I think that’s a good thing. And more importantly, our clients think so too.

All experience suggests that – at least in the areas of language, communication and intercultural skills – face-to-face training is clearly superior to all online alternatives. But well-designed online modules can be what economists call ‘second best solutions’.

Our experience is not the only clear indication that hybrid concepts, i.e. the combination of individual intensive face-to-face courses with online modules, are particularly promising.

At S&W Training, we offer you a programme tailored to your individual possibilities and needs.

Executive Training

Our Remote Training Modules for the German Language

However, those companies which, even according to the current state of knowledge, stick to a ‘digital-only policy’ should perhaps reconsider this in the interest of their managers.